The image gallery was some of my favorite content created in the class. For the first page in our gallery, we had to do a five-image story. In it I incorporated some elements of composition like filling the frame, centering my subject, and attracting the viewers eyes to leading lines. Though some of my photos were not the best as far as framing and composition. The next assignment allowed me to focus on my Image Techniques and really understand how visuals can create different impacts based on how they are composed. Representing Community hit the closest to home because it was an assignment that was supposed to represent what we consider our “community”. I decided to do the home where I grew up, the island St.thomas. In it I incorporated both black and white as well as color images. This is some of my best work in my opinion. The Digital visual series was my attempt at a different type of multimodal media. Instead of photos I decided to do a video that I worked on for my best friend. It's a short video showing the process of getting a tattoo from setup to actually tatting. We took a step back in time and brought it back to black and white. With the absence of color I knew that the subject matters had to be either eye appealing or full of subject matter. One of the image techniques I stressed in the B&W Collection was the use of my focus and depth of field. In each photo the subject was either hyper focused or the entire photo was in focus. Lastly my favorite was the Microcontent of my choice. I decided to use photos that I took at an afrobeat concert. I honestly would just like to let the photos speak for itself. I feel like these photos are the accumulation of all the skills I have honed in class!

From the B&W Collection
From the B&W Collection
From the Content of my Choice
From the Content of my Choice
From the Sense Of Place project
From the Sense Of Place project
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